
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Your Justifications For Piracy Are Invalid

Your Justifications For Piracy Are Invalid In a perfect world, copyright owners would actively encourage people to enjoy watching or listening to their products on multiple platforms through multiple devices, all for a reasonable cost. But this world ain't perfect, which means your "innocent" ... Your Justifications For Piracy Are Invalid

David Tamihere's parole conditions relaxed

David Tamihere's parole conditions relaxedDavid Tamihere's parole conditions relaxed MAKING PROGRESS: The Parole Board says David Wayne Tamihere is doing well since his release. Convicted killer David Tamihere has had his parole conditions relaxed and no longer has to wear an electronic bracelet. Tamihere, 58, was released from prison ... David Tamihere's parole conditions relaxed

Streit um Posten bei Euro-Zentralbank Frankreich brüskiert Deutschland

Streit um Posten bei Euro-Zentralbank Frankreich brüskiert Deutschland Mitten in der heißen Phase der Währungskrise liefern sich die beiden wichtigsten Länder einen Machtkampf um die Ausrichtung der Euro-Zentralbank: Deutschland und Frankreich erheben Anspruch auf den Posten des Chefvolkswirts - dabei galt ein deutscher ... Streit um Posten bei Euro-Zentralbank Frankreich brüskiert Deutschland

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